We're busy preparing to re-open the Hall since fitness activity can resume from the 25th July and social activities were made possible in early July.
Initially we're limiting our opening to regular hirers but will consider other hirers on a case by case basis. Under no circumstances can we accommodate large parties or functions at the current time (July/August 2020).
Things may seem a little different as we ensure our Hall is COVID secure and we're working with session leaders to ensure this is communicated clearly.
The key principles include:
you shouldn't attend the hall if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.
you should use hand sanitiser on entry. There is some provided but as a charity with limited funds it'd be great if you could use your own where possible.
You may be asked to exit via the fire exit in the main hall so as to prevent congregation in the foyer. The degree to which this is necessary will depend on the number in your session and whether there are any sessions after yours (this mainly affects Thursday evenings). Please be careful when exiting onto the car park.
we're limited capacity to 29 persons inside the Hall.
2 metres social distancing between households should be adhered to.
we may remove soft furnishings to avoid difficult to clean surfaces being touched.
your session leader will clean touch points before and after your activity.
we're discouraging use of the kitchen at present to limit touch points.
the hall may be a little cooler that usual as session leaders are being encouraged to ventilate the hall.
if you fall ill with COVID symptoms in the days following your session please inform your session leader to support track, test and trace efforts.
Bingo won't be restarting just yet - look out for updates here or on our Facebook page..